Mission Statement

“Community Health & Emergency Services, Inc. believes that quality of care means each
patient shall receive the most effective and responsive care we as a comprehensive health care
team can provide within our resources.”


Vision Statement

CHESI envisions the establishment of a complete comprehensive system of primary health
care at each of its main access points, as well as adequate primary health care services at each
of its satellite sites. We envision a complete system of primary health care services to include
primary medical and dental health care, diagnostic laboratory and radiological services,
psychiatric medical services, urgent/emergent health care, and primary level inpatient care.
We also envision operating a system of care that focuses on patient needs rather than on state
boundaries or program definitions.


Value Statements

  • CHESI values positive patient outcomes.
  • CHESI values the diversity of our patient population, our staff and our Board
  • CHESI values affording access to care to all of our patients.
  • CHESI values input and feedback from the patients, clients and communities we serve.



We provide primary medical, dental, behavioral healthcare, and specialty services to 7 counties in the Southern Illinois Region: Alexander, Hardin, Jackson, Pope, Pulaski, Saline, and White counties.

We offer Primary Care, Ancillary, Specialty, and Dental Services, hospital referrals, and preventative healthcare at nine regional primary care access points.